Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is a complex and multifaceted problem, with dire consequences for aquatic ecosystems, coastal communities, fishers and fish workers, and economic and national security. It particularly affects developing countries, and is estimated to cost the global economy USD 20 billion each year. This represents foregone taxes, license fees, and revenue from resources that could have been legally exploited. Future opportunities are also lost as fish stocks dwindle and collapse, with knock-on socioeconomic effects. As those involved in IUU fishing seek to cut costs wherever possible, and are often involved in other illegal activities, IUU fishing is also associated with human rights violations and poor working conditions, unsafe vessels, and maritime crimes such as drugs smuggling, arms smuggling, and human trafficking. The CAPFISH Project offers training on IUU fishing and tools to address it to those in key positions in developing countries, and fosters networks at regional and international level. This report provides an overview of the third CAPFISH workshop on IUU fishing, and contains abstracts from the presentations, biographies of the speakers and details of the attendees.
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