At the fifth meeting of the FAO-IMO-ILO ad hoc Joint Working Group (JWG) on IUU Fishing and Related Matters, held in Geneva from 8-12 January, the World Maritime University (WMU) introduced a document on the CAPFISH project highlighting the success of interdisciplinary capacity-building on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
The CAPFISH document introduced at the JWG summarizes the educational activities delivered by WMU and Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) with funding provided by the Republic of Korea. Additionally, the document stresses the participation of fisheries, and maritime administration and enforcement agencies from developing countries, and praises interagency cooperation and interdisciplinary approaches to address IUU fishing and enhance fisheries management.
It is of note that many of the delegates at the meeting have attended the CAPFISH workshops or are WMU alumni. The JWG Chairman, Mr. Awudu Enusah, is also a WMU alumnus from the Class of 2012 and currently serves as the Principal Maritime Administrative Officer for the Ghana Maritime Authority.
About the CAPFISH Project
CAPFISH draws upon global expertise in fisheries, such as the United Nations Agencies directly involved in the fishing sector (FAO, ILO, and IMO), non-governmental organizations, and experts across the world, to create a unique opportunity for transformative education to help solve the problem of IUU fishing. It is a trans-disciplinary initiative that integrates science, economics, maritime policy and ocean governance, law and regulation, maritime technology and operation, safety at sea, societal factors, human rights, and compliance monitoring and enforcement. Through three educational workshops and a WMU Summer Academy offering, the CAPFISH Project has disseminated the expertise of the UN specialized agencies as well as incorporated academic and practical knowledge to maritime professionals from across the developing world. CAPFISH aligns SDG-17 (Partnerships for the Goals) with SDG 4 (Quality Education) to address the problem that IUU fishing presents for achieving SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).
About the FAO-IMO-ILO ad hoc Join Working Group on IUU Fishing and Related Matters
Combating IUU fishing, along with other illicit factors associated with fishing operations, requires inter-agency coordination, particularly through the implementation of relevant international agreements. The FAO-IMO-ILO ad hoc Joint Working Group (JWG) on IUU fishing and related matters was established as a result of the call made by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, which met in April 1999, highlighting the issue of flag and port State responsibilities and the need for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to cooperate on solving problems relating to IUU fishing. Following the decision by the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) at its 335th session, the ILO also formally joined in 2019. The JWG discusses and makes recommendations to address IUU fishing, maritime safety and security, decent work in the fishing sector, protection of the marine environment, capacity development, and other relevant topics.